Under the Weather: 5 Yoga Poses to Do When Sick

Contrary to popular belief, exercising while you’re ill isn’t harmful to your health, it’s ok to do yoga when you’re sick. As long as you don’t stress your body or over-exert yourself, you’ll be fine. Light exercise can even help you recover more quickly!

A yoga mat and few simple accessories are all you need to make the most of your yoga routines. For long-lasting pain management, stress relief, and relief of symptoms, turn to the ancient wisdom of yoga.

Practicing a few simple yoga poses when feeling sick can provide the relief you need, no matter what ails you. These helpful poses can help alleviate morning sickness, boost your white blood cells, reduce motion sickness, altitude sickness, and even symptoms of the common cold.

Read on to discover the best yoga poses to do when sick!

The Best Yoga Poses to Do To Fight A Cold Or Flue

When you’re feeling a bit under the weather, it’s best to stay away from the more strenuous poses. However, relaxing and straightforward positions can do wonders for your immune systems and sense of peace.

While it may be tempting to take on highly flexible positions, it’s essential to conserve your energy and focus on healing. Also, be sure to pay attention to contraindications. Some poses may aggravate pre-existing pains and conditions.

All that said, the following five positions tend to be the most effective and reliable in relieving pain and discomfort. Practice makes perfect, so if you don’t feel comfortable attempting a few of these — try, and then try again!

But of course, pay attention to what your body is telling you. If you begin to feel sharp pains, gently release the position and come to rest. Never, ever, push yourself hard enough to cause injury. The critical thing to remember when practicing yoga while sick is to relax.

1. Tadasana / Mountain Pose

You can think of the Mountain Pose as the foundation upon which all other standing yoga poses were created. It is a simple position that does not require any bodily rotation or excess strain.

To complete Tadasana, one must stand with the big toes touching and the heels apart. The palms should be facing outward, toward one’s front. The arms should rest by the sides, completely relaxed.

Those who experience this pose’s most potent benefits meditate on the pose while practicing it. It is helpful to imagine two golden lines extending from the inner thighs, up toward the pelvis. From there, they intersect and become a single, powerful line that extends to the top of the head.

From there, this imaginary line continues to be pulled upward, forever and ever. Remain in the pose for at least thirty seconds. The longer you can hold the pose, the more benefits you are sure to reap from it. 

Tadasana is a grounding pose that helps build better posture and open the lungs. It’s an excellent place for any routine to start! It’s also the best way to end a routine. Once you’ve mastered the Mountain Pose, you’re ready to move on to more complex and more challenging poses.

But never forget — Tadasana is a marvellous pose, just on its own. To lengthen and strengthen the spin and increase circulation, all you have to do is adopt the right posture and mindset!

2. Virabhadrasana / Warrior Pose

Pregnant women shouldn’t attempt all poses, as some can prove detrimental to their developing child. Positions that put a moderate or extreme amount of pressure on the abdomen, for example, are a no-go.

However, the Warrior Pose is a fantastic option for expecting mothers. No matter how far along you are, this pose can strengthen, relax, and fortify your body. It is one of the most effective yoga poses for morning sickness.

Starting in Tadasana, you take a step a step forward, gently rotating your stationary foot to a horizontal stance. The extended leg bends forward at the knee, and the arms are raised at shoulder-height, utterly parallel to the leg.

With arms out, leg extended, and knee bent, you hold the pose for as long as you can before slowly rising back up and into Tadasana. As with all other poses, the longer you can keep the pose, the more beneficial the posture becomes. 

There are dozens of variations on the Warrior Pose. One includes clasping the hands together and raising them above the head in a prayer position. This is an excellent way to incorporate arm training into the pose.

Elevating the arms above the head while holding the Warrior Pose is slightly more challenging than keep them level. However, it can also help improve posture and strengthen the spine. 

The Warrior Pose strengthens the pelvic floor, opens the hips and lungs, promotes circulation, and can provide a boost of energy. This pose has also been shown to improve focus and mood.

Importantly, anyone with heart problems or severe neck/shoulder injuries should not attempt the Warrior Pose. Doing so many complicate pre-existing conditions or cause accidental damage.

3. Matsyasana / Fish Pose

A bout of motion sickness can feel completely debilitating, making it one of the most frustrating common illnesses in the world. But taking control of the situation and centering oneself with the help of yoga can make all the difference.

The Fish Pose is a lying position pose. In this position, you lie flat on your back with your buttocks atop your hands. When you feel secure and grounded, you raise your chest and lift your back, gently and slowly rotating your chin upward toward the sky.

There should be virtually no pressure on the neck or head while performing this pose. Allow your head to fall back naturally. Your elbows should support the majority of your body weight in this position. The chest and shoulders should stretch and strengthen.

While in this position, the lungs will open and expand. Blood will flow more quickly through the sensitive sinus cavities. The connection to the ground will help reduce any sensations of motion sickness. 

This pose may not be helpful for those suffering sinus infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, or other respiratory illnesses. Individuals with neck or shoulder problems should also avoid the Fish Pose. 

The Matsyasana position can help improve focus. It doesn’t take a considerable amount of skill to attempt, making it an excellent choice for beginners.

The Fish Pose is all-around helpful and therapeutic, and certainly one of the most effective yoga positions for motion sickness.

4. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana / Bridge Pose

An upset stomach can be a real pain, which is why the Bridge Pose is such a useful pose. It begins with lying flat on a mat in Shavasana or Corpse Pose. While in this position, you should be wholly supine and relaxed.

You then move your legs upward until your feet are flat on the floor. Pushing your hips upward, you raise your buttocks from the floor. Holding the position for as long as you can, you can begin to focus on strengthening your leg muscles and opening your lungs.

The resulting tilt in your body can help aid in proper digestion. The rush of blood toward the heart and head can also improve focus and energy. However, those with neck or shoulder injuries should not attempt this pose. 

Heartburn and other digestive upsets can easily be lessened and prevented with the Bridge Pose. It may be more work than merely taking some medicine, but a few minutes spent in Bridge Pose seems a lot more enjoyable than a spoonful of pink goo!

5. Pranayama / Breath Control

Ascending to higher climes can induce a case of altitude sickness in even the hardiest individuals. Proper breathing techniques can help remedy much of the discomfort associated with altitude sickness.

Pranayama is a form of breath control. There are many different variations of it, including alternate nostril breathing. You must close one nostril with your thumb and inhale. Then you must close the open nostril and exhale. Repeating this sequence, again and again, improves focus and breath control. 

Practicing Pranayama can help reduce instances of shortness of breath. Other yoga poses for altitude sickness include headstands and poses that force blood toward the brain. 

Staying away from alcohol can also significantly reduce the chances of developing altitude sickness. A healthy diet rich with Vitamin C and Vitamin E can also help.

Improved circulation and oxygen intake can result in improved focus, memory, and energy. Practicing Pranayama while in a garden or green, oxygen-filled place is the most beneficial way to enjoy its benefits.

You may be amazed at what proper breathing can do for your sense of energy, vitality, and peacefulness. Even if you feel confident in your current lung capacity and breathing ability, you may want to consider adding Pranayama to your routine. This is especially true of climbers.

Feel and Live Better

Eating well, staying hydrated, and practicing these restorative poses are all excellent ways to keep healthy and recover from an illness. By remaining active while pregnant or sick, you can keep your immune system in excellent condition.

With a little expert knowledge and willpower, you can take advantage of the full effects of yoga. The most important thing, as always, is to listen to your body. The more in tune you become with what your body needs, the better you’ll feel! 

There are plenty of yoga poses to do to boost your immune system when your suffering from the fu or the common cold. Each one has particular benefits and contraindications. The benefits that you can enjoy from practicing these poses are nearly limitless. So the next time you’re feeling a bit under the weather, why not strike a pose?